Helping support patients who live on or near the England-Wales border to make sure they receive healthcare without confusion or delay.

Statement of Values and Principles

To make it easier for people living near the England-Wales border to understand how they can use health services, the governments and NHS bodies on either side of the border have made some agreements summarised in a Statement of Values and Principles.

This Statement sets out the arrangements for delivering healthcare between the NHS in England and the NHS in Wales across the England-Wales border. It helps support patients who live on or near the England-Wales border to make sure they receive healthcare without confusion or delay.  Whilst there are some differences between the NHS in England and Wales, the overriding principles of the Statement are that no treatment will be refused or delayed due to uncertainty or ambiguity as to which body is funding the individual’s healthcare treatment. It also ensures that both countries will act in the best interest of patients at all times and are committed to delivering excellent patient care.

Referrals to Consultant-led care

Changes to the healthcare system in England mean that if you live in England and are registered with a GP practice that is either in Wales or is registered with the NHS in Wales, then the way you are referred to a consultant will be different to other English residents.   Further information on the referral arrangements can be found in this information booklet  and Frequently Asked Questions.

Patients, who live in Gloucestershire and are affected by these referral arrangements, are likely to be registered with one of the following GP practices:

Practice Address
Wye Valley Practice Smithville Close, St Briavels, GL15 6TN
Trellech Surgery, Roman Park View, Trellech, Monmouthshire, NP25 4RB
Vauxhall Practice Vauxhall Lane, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 5PZ
Coleford Road, Tutshill, Gloucestershire, NP16 7BN
Mount Pleasant Practice Chepstow Community Hospital, Tempest Way, Chepstow, NP16 5XR
12a Main Road, Portskewett, Caldicot, NP26 5SG
Town Gate Practice Chepstow Community Hospital, Tempest Way, Chepstow, NP16 5XP
Beachley Road, Sedbury, NP16 7AA
Castle Gate Medical Practice Monnow Street, Monmouth, NP25 3EQ
Chepstow Road, Raglan, NP15 2EN
Dixton Surgery Dixton Road, Monmouth, Monmouthshire, NP25 3PL
Wye Dean Practice The Old Police Station,
Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire,
NP16 6SE

The Referral Assessment Service (RAS)

A Referral Assessment Service (RAS) has been established to handle all referrals to secondary care for patients living in England with a Welsh-registered GP.  All Welsh-registered GPs with patients who live in Gloucestershire are signed up to the RAS, ensuring timely access to English health care providers for our residents.

We are keen to hear about your experience of using the referral service.  The information that we collect will be helpful in monitoring the quality of the service and could lead to further improvements.  If you have used the Referral Assessment Service you will may have been sent a paper copy of a short survey with your appointment confirmation letter.  You can return the survey to the freepost address provided, or alternatively complete the survey on line here.

Cross Border Network

A Cross Border Network has been established to oversee cross border health care arrangements.  The Network has representation from Integrated Care Boards and Welsh Health Boards from along the length of the England/Wales border.  Membership also includes patient representatives from Healthwatch (England) and Community Health Councils (Wales).  The Network currently meets quarterly.

Questions or concerns?

If you require any further support, or have any comments or concerns, please contact us on 0800 0151 548, by email:, or by writing to:

NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board,
Shire Hall
Westgate Street,