After a lengthy and very conscientious consideration of all viable options, the Committee reached a decision to pursue a six-month caretaker contract to provide GP services from Drybrook Surgery, with a view to running a procurement exercise for a long-term solution to start from 1 December 2023.

Discussions will take place with a selected provider(s) between now and 28 April 2023 to test the viability of this option. If a viable caretaker contract can be agreed, the procurement for a longer-term solution will begin as a matter of urgency and NHS Gloucestershire will provide a further update to patients with information about the range of services that will be available, including how all patients will be able to access their prescriptions.

However, because we must ensure that all patients can access GP services, if a viable caretaker provider cannot be secured by 28 April 2023 (by secured we mean that we have a written commitment to take on a caretaker contract with the contractual arrangements still to be agreed), we will have no other option but to disperse all patients registered with Drybrook Surgery to other local GP Practices in the area following the cessation of the temporary contract with Mitcheldean at the end of May 2023.

In this situation, patients would not need to take any action as NHS Gloucestershire would support them by allocating them directly to a neighbouring practice (using a geographical mapping exercise) and writing to them to let them know which practice they have been allocated to. They would, of course, after the allocation, have the choice to re-register at an alternative practice if they live within their catchment area (practice boundary). In this eventuality, NHS Gloucestershire would be able to help them with this process if they require assistance.

Helen Goodey, Director of Primary Care and Place at NHS Gloucestershire, said:

“I am very pleased to share this productive news with Drybrook Surgery patients and community partners.

We considered all viable solutions as part of our decision making process and took a range of factors into account.

This included writing to all Gloucestershire practices to see if there was any local interest in taking over the Drybrook Surgery contract, either on a short-term, ‘caretaker’ basis, as part of a branch surgery model or as a longer-term standalone contract.

We also invited feedback from patients at Drybrook Surgery and we are really grateful to everyone who has taken the time to share their views and ideas.”

NHS Gloucestershire will continue to keep patients up to date with progress through information in the surgery waiting room and regular updates on the surgery website.

Helen Goodey added:

“We really understand the importance of these services to the local population and would like to thank patients for their support during these challenging times.”