Plans for a new £5m GP surgery near Gloucester received the backing of Gloucestershire County Council at a meeting on 19 July.

The Council and NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board have been working together for some months to develop the new surgery proposals on North Upton Lane in Hucclecote.

The Council’s cabinet have now agreed to pay for the scheme, which will be leased to Hucclecote Surgery for a period of 30 years, with NHS Gloucestershire covering the rental costs.

The planned building will have 17 clinical rooms, including three training rooms, a patient drop-off bay and 29 parking spaces.

It will replace the existing surgery in Brookfield Road and will be built on the land occupied by the former Jordans Brook House, which has been deemed surplus to the requirements of the council.

Hucclecote Surgery’s current building, which is less than half a mile away from the new location, was built in the 1960s and is 45% undersized, with clinical rooms smaller than the recommended sizes.

Dr James Lambert, GP Partner at Hucclecote Surgery, said:

“Developing a new health centre has been a priority for us for the past few years, so we are really pleased to have secured a suitable site and approval to move forward with this.

Despite the limitations of our current site, our staff have been working hard to ensure patients receive the best possible care.

We are thrilled that a move to modern, spacious and environmentally friendly premises is now on the horizon.”

Cllr Mark Hawthorne, leader of Gloucestershire County Council, said:

“Upgrading the GP surgery in Hucclecote is an important step to ensure better health facilities in the area.

This new building is a great demonstration of partnership working between the Council and NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board that will improve the care offer for residents in the area and bring a redundant site back into use for the benefit of the local community.”

Director of Primary Care and Place at NHS Gloucestershire, Helen Goodey, said:

“We are delighted to back this project which will enable doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to offer a broader range of services to patients than the current outdated facilities can support.

Patients can look forward to receiving care in superb new facilities and current and future healthcare professionals will benefit from working in a great environment.”

It is estimated that the new surgery will cost around £5 million and will be open by August 2025.