In recent years we have been developing our approach to ensure clinical and care professionals have a strong voice across our health and care system.
To achieve this, we will:
- Ensure that a full range of clinical and professional leaders from diverse backgrounds are involved in decision-making at all levels in Gloucestershire, and that there is an effective flow of communications back to wider professions.
- Create a culture that embraces shared learning, supporting clinical and care professional leaders to collaborate and innovate, working with partners, including residents and local communities.
- Ensure that clinical and care professional leaders have appropriate protected time, support and infrastructure to carry out their work.
- Provide dedicated leadership development for clinical and care professional leaders and provide training and development opportunities that recognise leadership skills required to work across professional boundaries.
- Adopt arrangements for identifying and recruiting leaders which promotes equity of opportunity and creates a professionally and demographically diverse talent pipeline.
Clinical and Care Professional Framework
Following extensive engagement with clinical and care professional leaders in Gloucestershire, we have developed a Clinical and Care Professional Leadership framework.
Alongside a detailed action plan, the framework explains how we will achieve the five priorities above over the next 12-18 months.
Read theĀ Clinical and Care Professional Leadership Framework (Executive Summary)
Professional involvement in transforming health and care
Clinical and care professional leaders are defined as individuals who perform one of three functions:
- Leading, representing and facilitating professional networks
- Leading population heath in localities (though Integrated Locality Partnerships [link to ILPs page])
- Supporting ICS transformation programmes (including Clinical Programme Groups)
We have closely aligned our clinical and care professional leadership roles to our ICS transformation programmes. At the heart of these programmes are our Clinical Programme Groups (CPGs), where we have clinical and care leads who are supporting individual pathways or population groups.
Individuals have been appointed to positions including CPG Chair, Clinical Lead and GP. In some cases, these roles will be performed by the same person. In some of our Clinical Programme Groups, there is already a well-established role for GPs to represent the views of primary care.
We have also created and appointed to new clinical and care lead roles for Health Inequalities and Population Health Management (PHM) Inequalities. Other posts will be advertised as they become vacant, and we will seek a diverse range of individuals to take on these roles.
More information
Find out more about our work to improve and transform health and care in our priorities section.