Our Board is accountable for the decision making of the organisation.

They make sure that NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (NHS Gloucestershire) is making best use of the money available and buying and developing health services that meet the needs of local people.

The NHSG Board also makes sure that there is transparency and accountability with decision making and supports localities with the development of programmes and projects to support local communities.

The Board includes the Chair of the Integrated Care System (ICS), Chair of NHSG, Directors of NHSG, partner members and independent Non-Executive Directors (members who represent the views of local people and communities).

Board meetings are held bi-monthly and members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meeting. Dates of the meetings are available here. Papers will be published online the week before the meeting here: Board Meetings : NHS Gloucestershire ICB (nhsglos.nhs.uk)

Dates for future Board Meetings include;

  • Wednesday 31 January 2024 2pm-4.30pm
  • Wednesday 27 March 2024 2pm-4.30pm
  • Wednesday 29 May 2024 2pm-4.30pm
  • Wednesday 31 July 2024 2pm-4.30pm
  • Wednesday 25 September 2024 2pm-4.30pm
  • Wednesday 27 November 2024 2pm-4.30pm

Public Questions and Petitions to the Board

The ICB Board accepts questions from members of the public in writing up to 3 calendar days before a board meeting. The Board also accepts petitions made to the ICB. More information can be found here. ICB Protocol Questions and Petitions from members of the public

Public Questions and Answers

Members of the public can submit questions to the Board, which the Chair will answer at the meeting. A copy of all public Q&As can be found here..

More information about the Board

In this section you can find out more about:

Executive lead roles

In line with NHS England guidance, NHS Gloucestershire has identified individuals on the board as being responsible for the following population groups and functions:

  • Children and young people (aged 0 to 25): Benedict Leigh, Director of Integrated Commissioning and Ann James, Director for Children’s Services
  • Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): Benedict Leigh, Director of Integrated Commissioning
  • Safeguarding (all-age), including looked after children: Dr Marion Andrews-Evans, Chief Nursing Officer
  • Learning disability and autism (all-age): Benedict Leigh, Director of Integrated Commissioning
  • Down syndrome (all-age): Benedict Leigh, Director of Integrated Commissioning

NHS Gloucestershire Organogram (structure) 

The NHS Gloucestershire organogram (our organisational structure chart) is available here. Please note, this was accurate as of January 2023.

Declarations of Interest

The Declaration of Interests for the Board Members and senior staff can be found here. Members are required to update their documented interests on an annual basis or when circumstances change.

Committee Attendance 2022-23

Each year the ICB reports on attendance by Board and committee members as part of our governance processes. This attendance report dates from 01 July 2022 – 31 March 2023 can be found here

Gifts and Hospitality

The Gifts and Hospitality Register can be found here.

Standards of Business Conduct Policy

You can read the Standards of Business Conduct Policy on the Governance Handbook page.

Committee Attendance

Committee attendance is published on an annual basis in the Annual Report.

The record of Committee Attendance for our predecessor organisation, NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, can be found here..

Annual Report

The Annual Report is published each year and will be available via our publication pages.