Photograph of Dame Gill Morgan

Dame Gill Morgan


Gill has been Independent Chair of One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System since 2019. She has extensive leadership experience in a number of senior NHS and third sector roles, including Chair of the Alzheimer’s Society and Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation. She has also held the position of Permanent Secretary in the Welsh Government.  More recently Gill has been Chair of NHS Providers between 2014 – 2019.

Gill attended University College London Medical School and holds a number of honours and professional qualifications. She has received training in public health, general practice and hospital medicine.

Photograph of Mary Hutton

Mary Hutton

Chief Executive Officer

Mary has been the One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System lead since spring 2018. She has been Accountable Officer of NHS Gloucestershire CCG since 2013 and was appointed Chief Executive Officer of NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board in 2021.

Mary has worked in the NHS for 30 years in commissioning, performance and financial management.
She has substantial leadership experience having held a number of senior roles, including
working in North Somerset, Bristol, Swindon Wiltshire and Berkshire before coming to
Gloucestershire in 2011.

Mary has worked across both statutory and non-statutory organisations, including hospital
trusts, community and mental health services, ambulance services, the voluntary and community
sector and the independent sector.

Professor Joanna Coast

Non-Executive Director
System Resources

Joanna has been an academic health economist for over 30 years.

She is currently Professor in the Economics of Health & Care at the University of Bristol, and previously had a professorial role at the University of Birmingham.

Jo’s key focus is on issues of resource allocation in health service provision, including the evaluation of service interventions.

She has particular expertise in measuring outcomes for health, wellbeing and care based on people’s lived experiences.

Professor Jane Cummings CBE RN

Non-Executive Director
System Quality

Jane has extensive executive and clinical experience in the NHS and also worked for the Department of Health and Social Care in the Adult Social Care team.

She was Chief Nursing Officer for England for almost 7 years prior to her retirement in January 2019, in addition to being the national director sponsor for learning disabilities, equality, diversity, patient engagement, experience and the regional director for London for 15 months.Jane has honorary doctorates from Edge Hill, New Bucks and Bradford Universities and is a visiting professor at Kingston and St George’s Universities.

Jane is Chair of the RCN Foundation and a trustee of Macmillan Cancer Support and COVID-19 Healthcare Support Appeal charities.

Julie Soutter

Non-Executive Director

Julie is a finance and management professional, qualifying as a Chartered Accountant with Deloitte, with change management and process improvement skills and experience. She has worked across the professional, charitable, private and public sectors, with roles in large accountancy practices, senior positions in the NHS and not for profit organisations, and operational leadership in the innovation sector.

Alongside her executive experience, Julie has held a number of non-executive roles in the NHS, public and charitable sectors. Previously she was a Non-Executive Director of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for 7 years, chairing its Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee.

Ayesha Janjua

Non-Executive Director
Primary Care & Direct Commissioning

Ayesha has over 20 years’ experience providing support and challenge to health and care organisations. She currently works in NHS Arden and Gem Commissioning Support Unit as head of Leadership and Organisational Development. She has led Trust and CCG Board and Executive leadership development programmes and advises organisations on Well-led inspections, governance and culture. Ayesha has worked in the private and public sectors and has held a Trustee role in the charitable sector.

Ayesha also has recent experience of supporting NHS England and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) with the delegation of Direct Commissioning (planning and buying primary community pharmacy, optometry (eye) and dental services) functions into ICBs.

She will chair the committee for Primary Care and Direct Commissioning.

Karen Clements

Non-Executive Director
People & Remuneration

Karen is a senior executive with over 35 years’ experience, including board level positions, operating in complex, highly regulated businesses across the Insurance, Banking. Legal and Commercial Real Estate sectors. She has worked in strategic business planning and delivery for over 20 years, with experience of assessing the operational and financial performance of organisations, identifying opportunities for improvement and of creating and then delivering a clear strategy to take the organisation forward.

Karen brings practical experience of implementing approaches that improve employee engagement and secure the commitment of individuals and teams to deliver meaningful change. Karen will bring this people focus to her role as chair the People committee.

She will chair the People and Remuneration Committee.

Marie Crofts

Chief Nursing Officer

Marie joined NHS Gloucestershire in January 2024. Previously, she was Chief Nurse at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (OHNHSFT). She has been a nurse for 39 years, with experience at a senior manager level covering both mental health and community physical health services, in addition to commissioning.

Before joining OHNHSFT, Marie spent around three years as Director of Nursing and Quality at 2gether NHS Foundation Trust (since merged with Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust to become Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust).

She has also worked at a regional level, implementing evidence-based practice and working with carers to influence change.

Dr Paul Atkinson

Chief Clinical Information Officer

*Board participant 

Paul is a GP with nearly 20 years NHS experience, having moved to Gloucestershire in 2012. Studying at Cambridge before completing his GP training at Imperial College London, he has worked in a variety of GP roles including traditional partnerships, commercial organisations, and social enterprises.Paul has long been a champion of Clinical Informatics, trialling PalmPilots in hospital wards in the 1990s and most recently reviewing Artificial Intelligence bids for NHS X. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics and a member of the British Computer Society.Joining NHS Gloucestershire CCG as Chief Clinical Information Officer in 2015, Paul brings this local experience with him to the new ICB.

Cath Leech

Chief Finance Officer

Cath is a finance professional with experience in NHS roles within Swindon, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire. She was Chief Finance Officer for NHS Gloucestershire CCG from its inception in 2013.Cath’s experience has provided her with an in-depth knowledge of a range of key NHS areas, including primary care and partnership arrangements. She is responsible for ensuring good stewardship of the public finances and ensuring that funding is used in the best way to provide value to Gloucestershire. Her responsibilities include financial management, business intelligence, information governance, estates and sustainability.

Ellen Rule

Deputy CEO/Director of Strategy and Transformation

Ellen has worked for the NHS since 2003, holding a variety of senior positions in commissioning and provider organisations spanning service redesign, assurance, contracting, operational management and strategic planning.Her role is to transform and redesign services to ensure they are fit for the future. Her team use a clinical programme approach to commissioning which provides a transparent framework and clear methods for understanding what matters to patients and the local population. She is committed to focusing on preventing ill health, developing integrated person-centred care and supporting people to maintain independence.

Ellen holds a masters in Health Economics and Policy and is currently studying part time for a PhD in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy.

Dr Ananthakrishnan Raghuram MBE (Raghu)

Chief Medical Officer

Raghu joined NHS Gloucestershire in December 2023. Before this, he was Consultant Physician in General/Respiratory Medicine and Associate Medical Director at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GHNHSFT).

Before joining GHNHSFT in 2007, Raghu spent five years as a Consultant Physician at City Hospital in Birmingham.

As Associate Medical Director, he established a thriving leadership development programme for aspiring senior clinical leaders.

Raghu has a keen interest in clinical leadership and has a Masters degree in Healthcare education from Bristol University. He is head of the Postgraduate School of Medicine, Health Education England (South West) and a Host and Chair of Examiners for the Royal College of Physicians.

He is an elected trustee councillor at the Royal College of Physicians.

He was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2021.

Mark Walkingshaw

Director of Operational Planning & Performance

*Board participant 

Mark has extensive experience as a Director in both provider and commissioning organisations.Before being appointed as Director of Commissioning for NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, Mark was a Locality Commissioning Director for NHS Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust. He was previously Director of Planning and Strategic Development at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, and has 15 years’ experience in senior roles in Lancashire, the West Midlands and Cumbria.

Mark has worked across both statutory and non-statutory organisations including hospital trusts, regional bodies and the third sector.

In his career Mark has led many major projects to delivery and been driven by a commitment to contribute to service and performance improvement.

Benedict Leigh

Director of Integrated Commissioning
(joint post with Gloucestershire County Council)

*Board participant 

Biography to follow.

Helen Goodey

Director of Primary Care & Place
(joint post with Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust)

*Board participant 

Working in Gloucestershire since 2012, Helen has liaised closely with GP clinical leaders to develop sustainable General Practice and Primary Care Networks. Her post has been joint with Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust since April 2019.Helen is an ardent advocate of population health management, using information to understand and predict the health needs of people and communities and addressing health inequalities. She is committed to delivering joined up care for patients, closer to home (known as ‘integrated place based care’).

With an master’s degree in Public Strategy and Leadership, Helen has 20 years senior leadership and strategic management experience both within England and Wales.

Tracey Cox

Director of People, Culture and Engagement

Tracey has joined Gloucestershire’s ICS from her role as Chief Executive at Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) CCG. She has been a Chief Executive since 2014, leading the BSW Integrated Care System since 2018 and the merger of the three former CCGs in 2020, just as the pandemic began.

Tracey has more than 30 years’ experience of working in healthcare, both in the provider and commissioning sector, including several London hospitals including Whipps Cross, the Whittington Hospital and at the Royal United Hospitals’ Bath prior to moving into commissioning in 2001.

Tracey’s particular areas of interest and passion throughout her career have been in organisational development, developing collaborative partnerships and joint commissioning arrangements with Local Authorities. She has championed joint integrated arrangements with Bath and North East Somerset Council since 2009 and these arrangements are still in place today.

Kevin McNamara

Chief Executive, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
NHS Foundation Trust Providers (Provider Perspective)

Kevin joined Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in January 2024 from Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust where he was the CEO from 2019, leading over 5,500 staff and local communities through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kevin has worked for the NHS since 2003, having worked for the South-Central Strategic Health Authority, before joining Great Western Hospital in 2009 where he was the Director of Strategy and Community Service before becoming CEO in 2019.

As CEO, Kevin is ultimately responsible for the day-to-day leadership of the organisation through his executive team and for ensuring the implementation of the Board’s strategic objectives.

Douglas Blair

Chief Executive, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
NHS Foundation Trust Providers (Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Perspective)

Douglas joined Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust as Chief Executive in April 2023. Previously, Douglas was Managing Director of Wiltshire Health and Care, which delivers adult community health and learning disability services in Wiltshire, a role he held since its establishment in July 2016.

He joined the NHS in 2006, with Associate Director and Director roles in South Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust, the South West Strategic Health Authority and NHS England before being appointed as Director of Community Services at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2014, which led to him establishing Wiltshire Health and Care as an NHS partnership.

Prior to his time in the NHS, he was a civil servant, having being accepted into the Civil Service Fast Stream in 1998.  His government roles included homelessness policy, rural policy, the Scottish Cabinet secretariat and the reform and transformation of the prosecution service in Scotland.  His first career was as a sound engineer, working for EMI at Abbey Road Studios.

Professor Sarah Scott

Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Communities, Gloucestershire County Council
Local Authority (Local Authority Perspective)

Sarah has worked for Gloucestershire County Council since 2012 as a Consultant in Public Health, Interim Director of Children’s Commissioning and for the last seven years the Director of Public Health.   Prior to 2012 Sarah held a variety of roles in the NHS and local government, including completing the Public Health specialty training programme.

Sarah is now the Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Communities and a visiting Professor for the Centre for Public Health and Wellbeing at UWE.  She is particularly interested in working with communities to use a strengths-based approach to improving health and wellbeing, promoting independence and to tackle inequalities in health.

Siobhan Farmer

Director of Public Health, Gloucestershire County Council
Local Authority (Population Health and Prevention Perspective)

Siobhan joined Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) as Deputy Director of Public Health just seven weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Since July 2022, she has been Director of Public Health (DPH) at GCC, overseeing the delivery of a range of public health responsibilities with a focus tackling health inequalities.

Previously, Siobhan worked as a Public Health Consultant in Greater Manchester and Salford.

Siobhan has a master’s degree in public health from the University of Liverpool and she graduated from the North West Public Health Training Scheme in 2014. She has a first-class Honours degree in Physiology and her early career was in local government and health improvement.

Dr Jo Bayley

Chief Executive, G DOC
Primary Medical Services (Primary Care Perspective)

Jo is a GP and chief executive of the G DOC, the countywide GP provider, owned by all GP practices in Gloucestershire. She was previously the Care Quality Commission’s National Medical Advisor on Urgent and Emergency Care, and medical director of Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust.

Before becoming a GP, Jo trained in emergency medicine and intensive care, and attained membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. Jo was awarded an MA in medical law and ethics from the University of Manchester and has studied transformational change in healthcare at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.

Dr Emma Crutchlow

GP, Gloucester
Primary Care Network perspective (Board participant)

Emma has been working as a GP for nearly 20 years after completing her training in Hackney, London.

She is a lead GP for Gloucester Health Access Centre and Matson Lane surgeries, in addition to being a Clinical Director of G DOC Ltd and joint Clinical Director for the Gloucester Inner City Primary Care Network.

Emma also worked for 10 years in palliative care at the hospice in Cheltenham.

She is passionate about achieving equity of health for our local population.