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Joint Forward Plan (5-year plan)
Our One Gloucestershire Joint Forward Plan (JFP) has now been refreshed for 2024. It has been updated in collaboration with people from across the health and care system. Itdescribes how we will deliver and improve the health and care elements of the integrated care strategy.
The JFP will continue to be refreshed annually to ensure it reflects progress as well as the evolving needs of the residents of Gloucestershire. It is developed in conjunction with our annual operational plan to ensure our performance ambitions for the coming year are up to date; these key projects that will contribute towards these ambitions are presented in more detail in a companion document to the JFP. This provides the foundation for improvement programmes that work towards our long-term goals to reduce health inequalities and improve the wellbeing of our population through the prevention of ill-health
Finally, the JFP clearly describes how we meet the seventeen legislative requirements of Integrated Care Systems. These requirements underpin everything we do in delivering and improving our services, and understanding that impact of those improvements as we embark upon each annual refresh of the JFP.
Previous reports
Full Joint Forward Plan (2023-2028) and Appendix
Interim Integrated Care Strategy
This interim Integrated Care Strategy has been developed by the One Gloucestershire Health & Wellbeing Partnership, based upon engagement with the public and in discussion with wider stakeholders across Gloucestershire. Building on conversations earlier this year (Developing our ICS priorities), and taking into account the great work already happening in our county, we have developed our Integrated Care Strategy for the next the 5 years.
We are ambitious for Gloucestershire and believe that by all working together, alongside local communities, we can make a real difference to the lives of citizens across our county.
Thank you to everyone who got involved and supported the development of the Strategy during 2022.
This interim version of the strategy builds on the work already in place across Gloucestershire, whilst recognising that working in a formalised partnership allows for greater ambition.
To help structure the priorities going forward, the strategy has three overarching pillars which include:
- Making Gloucestershire a better place for the future – focusing on the range of things that can impact of health and wellbeing including existing priorities like physical activity, healthy lifestyle, adverse childhood experiences and housing.
- Transforming what we do – supporting prevention at a local level, joining up services close to home, reducing differences in people’s experience, access to care and health outcomes and a One Gloucestershire approach to developing our workforce – ensuring services can access the skills and people they need.
- Health and care services today – improving access to care and reducing waiting times for appointments, treatment and operations, improvements in urgent and emergency care and supporting people’s mental health.
This document is designed to guide health and care organisations, staff, voluntary and community sector, and people and communities, to work together to achieve the common goals and vision. It sets out where, through working together, the county is making transformational changes in health, care and wellbeing; and details our ambitions for the future.
There are a range of other useful resources, including a short film that explains more about the One Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Partnership.
Download the Interim Integrated Care Strategy
Annual Report 2023/24
Find both a full version of our annual report, with accounts, and a shorter summary report:
Previous reports
- Full Annual Report – 2022/23
- Annual Report Summary – 2022/23
- You can also view NHS Gloucestershire CCG’s report from April-June 2022 here.
Other publications
- Working with you through winter (2024) and easy read ‘top tips for winter’
- Safeguarding Annual Report (2023-2024)
- Mental Health Investment Standard (MHIS) review 2022/23 (uploaded 5/9/24)
- Joint capital resource use plan (uploaded 29/7/24)
- Health Inequalities Information Review (uploaded July 2024)
- A Research, Evaluation and Audit Strategy (uploaded 10/6/24)
- Improving SEND Services for Children, Young People and Families (link added 11/4/24)
- Dementia strategy (uploaded April 2024) and easy read version of the dementia strategy (uploaded July 2024)
- GP Premises Development & Delivery Plan (2024-2031)
- Working with you through winter (Winter Plan) (2023)
- One Gloucestershire People Strategy (2023)
- NHS Joint Forward Plan 2023-2028 (Uploaded 30/6/2023)
- NHS Joint Forward Plan 2023-2028 – Appendix D (Uploaded 30/6/23)
- CiC Annual Health Report (Uploaded 10/1/2024)
- Safeguarding Annual Report (2022-2023)
- ICS Capital Resource Use (Uploaded 31/3/2023)
- ICS Digital Strategy (Uploaded 28/3/2024)
- Children and Young People’s Mental Health: 4 point plan (2022-2024)
- Quality Framework
- Quality Strategy
- Safeguarding Annual Report (2021-2022)
- One Gloucestershire Winter Plan (2022/2023)
- Working with People and Communities Strategy
- One Gloucestershire ICS Green PLan
- NHS Gloucestershire ICB Constitution
- Guide to the ICS
- NHS Gloucestershire CCG Annual Report (2021/2022)
- NHS Gloucestershire CCG Auditor’s Annual Report (2021/2022)
- LGA Peer review observations and recommendations for Urgent and Emergency Care
- Gloucestershire Joint Formulary