‘One-stop-shop’ Service Puts Patients on the Path to Recovery After Critical Illness
The COVID-19 pandemic saw a rapid increase in the number of patients being discharged from Intensive Care and the need to provide ongoing treatment and support soon became a priority. In Gloucestershire, a Post Intensive Care, Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) and...
A Tailored Approach to Managing High Blood Pressure Strikes at the Heart of Disadvantaged Communities
Richard Lee, Lead Pharmacist with Gloucester’s Inner City Primary Care Network (PCN) explains why he is hopeful a project that targets people with high blood pressure to reduce their risk of heart attacks and stroke could be used as a...
Delivering specialist stroke care in Gloucestershire
Delivering the right care in the right place is crucial for the long term recovery of stroke patients. Kate Hellier, Consultant Stroke Physician with the One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS), explains how the county is leading the way in...
Making a difference in Gloucestershire through social prescribing
People living in Gloucestershire can now access a wide range of health and wellbeing support via social prescribing, explains Ellen Rule, Director of Transformation and Service Redesign at NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group. Stress and loneliness are just two of...
Supporting people living with chronic lung disease and other respiratory conditions
Deborah Lee, Chief Executive of Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, explains how One Gloucestershire is supporting people living with chronic lung disease and other respiratory conditions to manage their conditions and have the best possible quality of life. Over 50,000...
Protecting the mental health of Gloucestershire’s children and young people
Helen Ford, from the One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System, explains how the county is leading the way in looking after the mental wellbeing of its children and young people. Looking after the mental health and wellbeing of children and young...
Gloucestershire’s approach to social prescribing
Dr Jo Bayley, who represents primary care on the NHS Gloucestershire Board, discusses the county’s innovative social prescribing initiative which enables primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services: For many people who access the...
Over 3,000 Gloucestershire people tackle diabetes through positive lifestyle changes
Dr Shabari Hosur, GP and Clinical Lead for the National Diabetes Prevention Programme in Gloucestershire, reflects on the positive impact the programme is having in the county, with over 3,000 people now signed up to take part. “Over 34,000 people...