The patient and public engagement team advises the ICB on ways to actively engage our local community; seek feedback on services, plans and proposals; and ensure that the ICB complies with current legislation relating to engagement and equality.
We are a small team and are here to help you to get involved in shaping health and care in Gloucestershire. We advise and support ICB staff and our member practices.
Our skills include:
- the planning, design and delivery of engagement and consultation activities
- developing and undertaking survey work and reporting
- providing support to patients who want to share their experiences of using NHS services, raise a concern, ask questions or need help to access healthcare
- providing advice on equality good practice
- Graphic Facilitation
- training (10 steps to working with people and communities)
- supporting NHS Gloucestershire ICB staff with patient and public engagement
Additional support to our member practices
The ICB Engagement Team supports practices and PPGs to engage with their practice population about changes and developments such as branch closures, staff changes and premises developments.
Patient engagement relating to practice changes are reported to our Primary Care Commissioning Committee. More information, is available on the.
Patient Experience Team
Our team deals with patient experience feedback, this includes assisting with local resolution of individual patients’ concerns and handling the complaints process. We can also signpost to independent advocacy support.
We regularly liaise across multiple NHS and care organisations both locally in Gloucestershire and our neighbouring counties to help you to resolve complex issues.
How we can help you to get involved and share your experiences
We can help in the following ways:
- Provide information in an accessible format
- Ensure that any event we hold has a hearing loop installed, microphones are used and presentations are displayed on a large screen
- Ensure that an interpreter is available for anyone that may require one in order to fully participate
- Ensure that our venues are accessible to those attending
- Payment of reasonable expenses as outlined in the
More information
Please contact us using any of the following methods and we will work with you to meet your needs:
Telephone:Â 0800 0151 548