BMA Junior Doctors’ industrial action – Thursday 13 July (7am) to Tuesday 18 July (7am).

Cheltenham A&E will switch to a Minor Injury and Illness Unit (MIIU) from 8pm on Tuesday 11 July to 8pm on Wednesday 12 July.

Cheltenham A&E/MIIU will temporarily close from 8pm on Wednesday 12 July to 8am on Tuesday 18 July.

Emergency care services (A&E) will be centralised at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 24/7 during this period.

GP practices and other Community Minor Injury and Illness Units across the county will continue to provide services.

The local NHS has today warned that the latest round of strikes scheduled for July will pose substantial challenges to hospital services and the impact will be felt for well over a week.

The 5-day BMA industrial action by Junior Doctors gets underway on the 13 July, with temporary service changes being made in the run up.

The headline advice for the public during the next phase of industrial action is to only attend A&E in Gloucester if their condition is life threatening or very serious.

The temporary changes announced today will again help NHS services to prepare for industrial action and enable available emergency care staff to come together at Gloucester to keep services safe.

Patients can also expect cancellations to planned outpatient appointments, procedures and operations.

Whilst the NHS locally is making plans to keep essential services available, leaders have warned that the strike will cause unavoidable disruption.

Patients who have a planned hospital operation, outpatient clinic or procedure between Thursday 13 July and Friday 21 July should attend as usual unless they hear from their NHS Trust to advise otherwise. However, given the need to ensure safe staffing arrangements in emergency care and other critical services many appointments will need to be rearranged.

There will be no disruption to patient visiting arrangements on these days.

However, the local NHS Trusts are asking relatives and carers to do everything they can to work with their staff to get their loved ones home from hospital as quickly and as safely as possible, with additional support, if necessary, from local NHS community services or adult social care teams.

Chief Medical Officer at NHS Gloucestershire, Dr Andy Seymour said:

“The latest round of strikes will bring substantial challenges to the local NHS, particularly hospital services, and we are sorry that many patients will experience disruption to services.

“One Gloucestershire health and care partners are working closely together to ensure those in greatest need continue to have access to high quality care and support.

“We cannot emphasise enough how important it will be to keep A&E in Gloucester clear for life threatening conditions and serious injuries.

“The public can help by thinking carefully about their healthcare options and getting advice when needed from NHS 111. Advice will also be available through local NHS social media channels.”


Notes to Editors  

Consultants’ Industrial action (BMA) will follow 2 days later – Thursday 20 July (7am) to Saturday 22 July (7am). Consultants will provide emergency cover.

Getting healthcare advice

Many parts of the NHS – hospitals, community services and GP practices – are likely to feel the impact of the industrial action – either directly or indirectly – so local people are being urged to use services responsibly.

If people have an urgent care need, but are not sure which service to use, they are asked to visit in the first instance or call 111 for advice. The 111 phone service can book people into local NHS services if required, but is likely to see an increase in calls.

111 online and the local ASAP Glos NHS website and app can provide information on the services provided by Community Pharmacies, GP surgeries, including the Gloucester Health Access Centre, Community Minor Injury and Illness Units and A&E.

A number of Community Hospital Minor Injury and Illness Units (MIIUs) across the county will be open on the days – 8am to 8pm. People can check on the best Unit to meet their needs and book an appointment by calling the local MIIU line: 0300 421 7777 or 111.

On the day service updates and advice on the industrial action will be available through local NHS social media channels and websites.

Further public information about the industrial action, including FAQs, has been published by NHS England and can be found here.