Gloucestershire’s approach to social prescribing

Gloucestershire’s approach to social prescribing

Dr Jo Bayley, who represents primary care on the NHS Gloucestershire Board, discusses the county’s innovative social prescribing initiative which enables primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services: For many people who access the NHS, it could be that the answer lies not... Read More

Over 3,000 Gloucestershire people tackle diabetes through positive lifestyle changes

Over 3,000 Gloucestershire people tackle diabetes through positive lifestyle changes

Dr Shabari Hosur, GP and Clinical Lead for the National Diabetes Prevention Programme in Gloucestershire, reflects on the positive impact the programme is having in the county, with over 3,000 people now signed up to take part. “Over 34,000 people in Gloucestershire are living with Type 2 diabetes and sadly, many people... Read More

Governance Handbook

On this page… Constitution and Standing Orders Governance Handbook Scheme of Reservation and Delegation (SoRD) Functions and Decisions Map Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs) Committee Terms of Reference Role Profiles Risk Management Arrangements Eligible Providers of Primary Medical Services 2_Standards of Business... Read More

Patient Participation Groups

From April 2016, it has been a contractual requirement for all English GP practices to form a Patient Participation Group (PPG). In Gloucestershire we have a network of active PPGs who meet together on a quarterly basis. NHS Gloucestershire offers support and advice to our PPGs. Role of PPGs PPG members work with their... Read More

Information Bus

Visit our information bus. The schedule below lists where the Information Bus will be going this month.  The focus of the Bus visit varies and we are always happy to receive your feedback on the NHS. We look forward to seeing you. Below are   13   information bus events. Title ... Read More

Temporary stroke service change in response to winter pressures, COVID-19 and staffing levels

The NHS in Gloucestershire has agreed to move the Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) part of the acute hospital stroke service temporarily to Cheltenham General Hospital. The change is part of One Gloucestershire’s response to increasing winter pressures (emergency attendances and hospital stays), COVID-19 and Stroke Consultant... Read More

NHS provides an update to HOSC on temporary service changes

Joint statement from: One Gloucestershire NHS partners – NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust NHS provides an update to HOSC on temporary service changes The local NHS has today updated the county’s... Read More

Executive Director team appointed to the proposed NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB)

We are pleased to inform you that following an extensive recruitment process, Executive Director designate appointments have been made to the new ICB, subject to the passage of the Health and Care Bill through parliament and the new statutory NHS body (known as NHS Gloucestershire) coming into being on 1 July 2022. We... Read More

New mental health support finder for young people in Gloucestershire

New mental health support finder for young people in Gloucestershire

The NHS across the county has been working with young people and local partners to develop a mental health support finder to help those up to 25 years of age to easily access support, help and resources to feel more in control of their journey. We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of children and young... Read More

90% of over 16s in Gloucestershire have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine

Vaccination teams in Gloucestershire have been congratulated once again as the latest figures confirm that 90% of people over 16 in the county have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccines. The news comes as the NHS continues to encourage people still in need of a vaccination to come forward for their jabs as soon... Read More