Fit for the Future 2 – engagement on ideas for specialist health services gets underway

Fit for the Future 2 – engagement on ideas for specialist health services gets underway

NHS partners in Gloucestershire are today starting a public and staff conversation exploring ideas on how to organise several specialist health services over the medium to long term. The NHS says it’s about helping their dedicated health professionals, working with people and community partners across Gloucestershire,... Read More

A new future for Minchinhampton patients

A new future for Minchinhampton patients

Patients in Minchinhampton are one step closer to having a brand new £5.5m health centre development in the town following approval of the planning application by the local authority on 29 March 2022. Subject to agreement of revised costings in the summer, the new health centre will be built at Vosper Field on Cirencester... Read More

Service recovery after COVID-19

Health and care services are facing some of their biggest challenges in living memory and the on-going COVID-19 pandemic has played a big part in that. Many services were postponed to ensure sufficient capacity was available in our hospitals to treat patients with COVID-19 and to keep people safe during the pandemic. This... Read More

Urgent and emergency care

Urgent and Emergency Care is a broad term that refers to a range of services that are mainly needed that same day. They are provided by community pharmacies, GP surgeries, NHS 111, community services (including rapid response services and community minor illness and injury units), acute hospital services (including A&E... Read More

Community wellbeing service

Gloucestershire’s Community Wellbeing Service helps people to live healthier lives, supporting people who may have a lot going in their life, including those with low level mental health and wellbeing needs or people who are finding life lonely and lacking social interaction. Known as ‘social prescribing’, the service... Read More

Ways to get involved

You can get involved in a number of other ways including: Becoming a member of our online involvement community Get Involved in Gloucestershire Taking part in a focus group Commenting as part of an engagement or consultation  exercise e.g. complete a survey or attend a local ‘drop in event’ Visiting the Information... Read More

Executive Director team appointed to the proposed NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB)

Executive Director team appointed to the proposed NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB)

We are pleased to inform you that following an extensive recruitment process, Executive Director designate appointments have been made to the new ICB, subject to the passage of the Health and Care Bill through parliament and the new statutory NHS body (known as NHS Gloucestershire) coming into being on 1 July 2022. We... Read More

Lung Function and Sleep Service

This engagement is linked to Fit for the Future (FFTF), part of the One Gloucestershire vision, focusing on the medium and long term future of specialist hospital services at Cheltenham General Hospital and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. We talked with you about an opportunity to change the way Lung Function and Sleep... Read More

Cross border healthcare

Helping support patients who live on or near the England-Wales border to make sure they receive healthcare without confusion or delay. Statement of Values and Principles To make it easier for people living near the England-Wales border to understand how they can use health services, the governments and NHS bodies on either... Read More

Our strategy

This strategy is currently being refreshed. This strategy is for all staff of the NHS Gloucestershire ICB. It has been adopted from our predecessor organisation and is currently being refreshed. It is our expectation that all staff will take responsibility for promoting equality; commissioning accessible services that... Read More