Equality Impact Assessment

An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) should be undertaken to assess the impact of any service review, design or delivery. Completion of an assessment will help us identify particular communities who may be disadvantaged by any proposals for change, and allows us to target our engagement activity, support and information... Read More

PALS (feedback and enquiries)

Concerned but don’t want to complain? Have a problem, but don’t know who to talk to? Worried but not sure what to do? Need information, but don’t know who to ask? The NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) can help. Whether you are a patient or a carer let us help to make... Read More


If you wish to make a complaint to the NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board you can either contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) or write to us using the contact details below. You have the right to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment or services, and this is written into the NHS... Read More

Our team

The patient and public engagement team advises the ICB on ways to actively engage our local community; seek feedback on services, plans and proposals; and ensure that the ICB complies with current legislation relating to engagement and equality. We are a small team and are here to help you to get involved in shaping health... Read More

Gloucestershire Maternity Voices Partnership

Gloucestershire Maternity Voices Partnership (GMVP) is a group of local parent representatives and health professionals which advises the NHS in Gloucestershire on the care provided to women, their partners and their babies, during pregnancy, birth and during the early days after the baby’s arrival. Our role is to ensure... Read More

Strategy and insight

The NHS Gloucestershire Working with people and communities Strategy sets out our principles, how we will work, and the mechanisms we will use to ensure we are putting the people and communities of Gloucestershire at the heart of everything we do. This Strategy outlines how we will ensure we meet NHS Gloucestershire’s... Read More

Support for carers

We want to better support the people who care for a family member, neighbour or friend in Gloucestershire. We want to work together to ensure carers feel valued, respected and empowered. A carer is somebody, of any age, who provides support or who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of... Read More

Individual funding requests

National Evidence Based Interventions guidance The national Evidence Based Interventions (EBI) programme is an initiative led by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges to improve the quality of care. Created by both doctors and patients it is designed to reduce the number of medical or surgical interventions as well as some... Read More

Continuing Healthcare

On this page… Introduction How does the assessment work? Review of the decision Fast-track funding Care and support planning Personal Health Budgets NHS Continuing Healthcare reviews Funded Nursing Care Continuing Care for children and young people Contact the Continuing Healthcare team More information Introduction Continuing... Read More

Patient transport

On this page… Booking Non-Emergency Patient Transport Community Transport Help with Travel Costs Help to get to Dialysis Contact PALS NHS Funded Patient Transport Booking Non-Emergency Patient Transport Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services in Gloucestershire are provided by EMed Group. Patients who wish... Read More