The NHS Gloucestershire Board

Our Board is accountable for the decision making of the organisation. They make sure that NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (NHS Gloucestershire) is making best use of the money available and buying and developing health services that meet the needs of local people. The NHSG Board also makes sure that there is transparency... Read More

Integrated Locality Partnerships (ILPs) and Primary Care Networks

What is an Integrated Locality Partnership (ILP) ILPs are partnerships made up of local Government, NHS, Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, housing and increasingly communities, people and wider partners such as police, education etc. They work with each other to bring services together and plan how... Read More

Our policies and procedures

NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (NHS Gloucestershire) has adopted many policies and procedures from NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group. The policies and procedures on this page will be updated and approved by the Board and the sub committees in the coming months before being uploaded to this page. If... Read More


Our Vision It is the statutory responsibility of every NHS-funded organisation and every health care professional working in the NHS to ensure that the principles and duties of safeguarding adults and children are holistically, consistently, and conscientiously applied to ensure that wellbeing is at the heart of all that... Read More

Our role and vision

Our role Our NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (NHS Gloucestershire) is responsible for planning and buying services to meet the health needs of local people. It also brings partners together to ensure the county’s NHS provides the best possible care. Alongside our communities, we want to improve health, improve... Read More

Our priorities in Gloucestershire

Working alongside our partners, we have three strategic priority areas (we call them ‘pillars’) to help us to plan what we need to do to make Gloucestershire a healthy place to live and work, and to provide high quality care and support when needed. These pillars form the structure of our Joint Forward Plan (our plan... Read More

Work for us

Looking for a career in the NHS? NHS Careers provides information for anyone looking to work in the NHS in England NHS Jobs details all NHS jobs available in Gloucestershire Clinical Pharmacy Congress If you attended the Clinical Pharmacy Congress, check out our pharmacy jobs here. Jobs that aren’t on NHS jobs: Pharmacist,... Read More

Contact us

How to contact us NHS Gloucestershire Shire Hall Westgate Street Gloucester GL1 2TG Tel: 01452 943323 (Office Reception) Email: To discuss receiving information in other formats (e.g. other languages, Braille, Audio and Large Print) speak to PALS by calling Freephone 0800 015 1548. How to find... Read More

Equality and Diversity

We want to understand the needs of our diverse community and strive to treat everyone as an individual, with dignity and respect, in accordance with their human rights. NHS Gloucestershire ICB is committed to upholding the NHS Constitution and, specifically in relation to equality, diversity and human rights, the principle... Read More

Urgent advice and care

On this page… COVID-19 Not sure where to turn? Community Pharmacy Pharmacy First Scheme GP surgery services Gloucester GP Health Access Centre (GHAC) Minor Injury and Illness Units (MIIU) Accident and Emergency Mental Health advice and support COVID-19 If you or someone at home has symptoms of COVID-19, follow... Read More