We want to support the health and wellbeing of people living with chronic lung disease and the respiratory needs of those with other medical conditions.

Through providing more joined up care, we want to support people to manage their own conditions and have the best possible quality of life.

If you’re having respiratory (breathing) problems, speak to your GP surgery. Thanks to more education and access to the tools which help with diagnosis, many patients are being diagnosed with respiratory conditions in GP surgeries. GPs are also able to access ‘advice and guidance’ from a respiratory consultant with 48 hours, or ‘on the spot’ advice in urgent cases, with the aim of preventing unnecessary hospital visits.

If you do need to be seen by a specialist, the respiratory medicine team at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will provide your care.

The community respiratory and home oxygen assessment service, managed by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust provide care closer to home. The physiotherapists and nurses specialising in respiratory diseases help patients with things like management of flare ups,  pulmonary rehabilitation and avoiding unnecessary stays in hospital.

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