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Young People and Vaping
Vapes, also known as e-cigarettes or e-cigs, are electronic devices, which are designed to allow people to inhale nicotine in a vapour. Using a vape is known as vaping1.
Vaping is not for children and young people2. Vaping is more risky for young people than adults; young people’s developing lungs and brains are more sensitive to the effects of nicotine3.
This page is part of Gloucestershire’s strategy to support people to stop smoking. Our strategy supports the use of vapes as a tool to help adults to stop smoking tobacco, and aims to stop young people from starting to vape or smoke.
In the UK, it is illegal to sell nicotine vaping products to anyone under the age of 18. It is also illegal for adults to buy vapes on young people’s behalf.
What are the harms of vaping for children and young people?
- Nicotine is an addictive substance, which can be difficult to stop using once you have started.
- Side effects from nicotine may include headaches, dizziness, racing heart, possible vomiting, stomach cramps and weakness4.
- Side effects of regular vaping may include coughing, dry mouth and throat, shortness of breath, mouth and throat irritation and headaches5.
- The long-term effects and risks of vaping are currently unknown.
- Some disposable vapes that are on sale in the UK are illegal, as they contain high levels of harmful substances6, such as THC (the part of the cannabis plant that makes people feel ‘high’) or synthetic cannabinoids7.
How can I report illegal sales of vapes?
Trading Standards can respond to reports regarding the sale of illegal vapes and under-age sales in a number of ways, ranging from disrupting sales by seizure of illegal product to prosecution of sellers where they continue despite advice and warnings from our officers. Information about shops selling to young people, or generally selling illegal vapes, can be submitted to Trading Standards at tradingstandards@gloucestershire.gov.uk.
Be assured Trading Standards will never reveal the source of any report without permission.
What help and support is available for young people in Gloucestershire?
FRANK: Vapes Quick Info
FRANK is a national anti-drug advisory service. FRANK provides honest information on drugs, their effects, and the law. To find out more information about vapes, please click the link below.
Website: www.talktofrank.com/
School Nursing Team Support
The School Nursing Team offers advice, support, and guidance on a wide range of physical, emotional, and sexual health concerns. You can visit your School Nurse at a weekly drop-in at all secondary schools in Gloucestershire without an appointment. Just ask your school reception to find out when and where the drop-in is or visit our website to find out more.
Get advice from a School Nurse via Chat Health
School nurses work with educational settings in Gloucestershire to provide advice and support on a range of health issues, such as smoking, healthy eating, sexual health and vaping.
Get advice and support from a school nurse by text message. The service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm, excluding bank holidays.
Text message: 07507 333351 (The service is confidential, and you do not need to give your name)
Young Minds Matter Chat
Young Minds Matter (YMM) is a safe and confidential mental health support service developed for children and young people up to 18 years of age in schools across Gloucestershire.
Young Minds Matter Chat – We have a friendly team of Young Minds Matter professionals who are available to chat on text message during the school day (between 9am until 4:30pm) Monday to Friday (except bank holidays). The team will aim to respond either the same day or the next working day.
Telephone: 07480 635723
PSHE Teacher or Pastoral Team
Every school and college will have a PSHE teacher/lecturer and/or a Pastoral team who you can talk to about any concerns you may have with vaping.
Smoking, vaping and substances are topics covered in PSHE and tutorials. In these sessions you will be able to discuss and understand the health facts about vaping as well as about vaping and the law.
Advice for parents, carers and professionals
Parents, carers and anyone working with children and young people can make sure that they understand the health facts about vaping and know about vaping and the law.
What is the stance on adolescent vaping in Gloucestershire?
Association of Directors of Public Health South West Position Statement on Nicotine Vaping:
- Vaping is not for children; we need to reduce the uptake of vaping and the number of young people accessing vape products.
- Vaping should be offered as an alternative for smoking but not as an activity which is appealing to the wider non-smoking population.
- The evidence is clear that, for smokers, vaping is a far less risky option and poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking in the short and medium term.
You can access the full report by clicking here.
TiC+ Parent and Carer Support and Advice Line
If you are concerned about your child’s emotional wellbeing, mental health or behaviour, you can contact the anonymous TIC+ Parent and Carer Support and Advice Line free of charge, by clicking here.
School Nursing Team Support
Referrals to the service can be made by any professional, parent, or young person, provided that appropriate consent is obtained from both the parent/carer and the young person using the referral form.
School Nurses can offer first line support about self-help stop vaping work and signposting to further stop vaping support if required.
They are flexible in meeting young people, offering appointments at home, in school, or at various community locations, based on individual preferences and needs.
What support is available for schools and further educational settings?
Please click here to visit the webpage.
Training is delivered by GHLL’s Lead Teachers. To view upcoming training dates, please click here.
Posters aimed at young people and a leaflet for parents & carers can be requested by professionals by emailing publichealth@gloucestershire.gov.uk.
To download the classroom presentation, please click here.
To download the teacher’s toolkit, please click here.
To view the guidance, please click here.
In these 3 form time sessions, students learn about social pressures around vaping, its impact, and the effects of nicotine on the adolescent brain.
To view and download the activities, please click here./
Please click here to sign up for email updates or here to access the newsletters.
Additional resources
Access the Tobacco Free Team Podcast – Guide on Vaping – by Dr Charlie Sharp and Sneha Thomas – please click here.
On 14 July, the LGA released a statement calling for the Government to ban the sale and manufacture of disposable vapes by 2024. These FAQs provide more detail about our policy position.
Access the FAQs by clicking here.
To access ASH’s summary of key findings, please click here.
To access the ‘Health harming behaviours’ report, which includes data on children and young people vaping in Gloucestershire, please click here.
The workshop below was recorded on 3 December 2024.
- 1 – Vapes | FRANK (talktofrank.com)
- 2 – South West Position Statement on Nicotine Vaping | Association of Directors of Public Health (adph.org.uk)
- 3 – Young people and vaping – Better Health | NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- 4 – Vapes | FRANK (talktofrank.com)
- 5 – Vapes | FRANK (talktofrank.com)
- 6 – Young people and vaping – Better Health | NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- 7 – ‘Cannabis’ vapes – do you know what you’re vaping? | FRANK (talktofrank.com)